18th Northeast Asia Economic Forum

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Date Author Title
2009.8.27 NEAEF Compiled Proceedings of the 18th Annual Conference of the NEAEF
2009.8.27 NEAEF Agenda
2009.8.27 Lim Jung-Duk New Regionalism across the Korea-Japan Strait: Cross-Border Cooperation between Busan and Fukuoka
2009.8.27 Aramaki Eiki Development of Intermodal Land Transport in Asia  
2009.8.27 Zhang Jianping Post-Economic Crisis: Rebuilding Energy Supply & Demand Equilibrium in Northeast Asia  
2009.8.27 John Tichotsky New US Energy Policy: Potential Implications for Northeast Asia Demand and Policy
2009.8.27 Ruslan Gulidov Energy Cooperative Activities in NEA uder the Greater Tumen Initiative (GTI)
2009.8.27 Shen Longhai China's Progress in Energy Saving and Emission Reduction and the Development and Utilization of Renewable Energy
2009.8.27 Iinuma Yoshiki Electrification for Green Future
2009.8.28 Lee Chang Jae Will Northeast Asia's Functional Economic Integration Lead to Institutional Regional Economic Integration?
2009.8.28 Chiba Yasuhiro and Yamamoto Takashi Northeast Asian Development Finance Cooperation: The New Bank and the Support Network
2009.8.28 Kim Joon Kyung NEADB and transition of NEA toward Market Economy
2009.8.28 Ma Junlu Economic Integration of Northeast Asia and the Function of the Northeast Asia Bank of Cooperation and Development  
2009.8.28 Li Weibin 危机中孕育生机 推动东北亚银行组建恰逢其时
2009.8.28 Stanley Katz The Northeast Asian Bank for Cooperation and Development: From Rhetoric to Reality (Video File: Available upon request)  
2009.8.28 Park Seongho Korea's Game Industry
2009.8.28 Minzheong Song Digital Media Platform's Role & KT Case
2009.8.28 NEAEF 2009 Busan Declaration