17th Northeast Asia Economic Forum

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Date Author Title
2008.10.26 NEAEF Agenda
2008.10.27 Zhang Jianping China’s Policy to Secure Overseas Energy Resources
2008.10.27 Choi Tae Hyun Northeast Asia in the World Energy and Korean Stance for Cooperation  
2008.10.27 Kuruba Katsumi New Actions after the Hokuriku Declaration
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2008.10.27 Victor Kalashnikov Modern Russian Approach to Energy Cooperation in NEA
2008.10.27 John Tichotsky News about the Political Economy of Energy Suppliers in Northeast Asia  
2008.10.27 Shen Longhai Energy Conservation and Pollution Reduction in China
2008.10.27 Yamada Mitsuo Policy and Challenges on Environment in Mongolia
2008.10.27 Choi Heung-Jin Low Carbon Green Growth Strategy of Korea, Presented by Eric Im, Professor, University of Hawaii at Hilo
2008.10.28 Ma JunLu Economic Integration of Northeast Asia and the Function of the Bank of Cooperation and Development in Northeast Asia
2008.10.28 Watanabe Hiroshi Steps towards a Northeast Asia Bank for Cooperation and Development
2008.10.28 Uhm Rak-Yong Wall Street Turmoil and Northeast Asia’s response
2008.10.28 Nagata Koki NEA Common Transport Community  
2008.10.28 Lee Sang Kug Determinants of Port Selection in Global Container’s Carriers
2008.10.28 Anna Bardal Energy Cooperation in Northeast Asia: Conservation, Efficiency, Sustainability  
2008.10.28 NEAEF The Tianjin Binhai Declaration